ΑΡΘΡΑ - NEWS => Magazino a33 e-pi παντός e-pi στητού => Αρθρογραφία - Ρεπορτάζ - Επικαιρότητα => Μήνυμα ξεκίνησε από: aiollus στις Σεπτεμβρίου 12, 2008, 06:53:20 ΜΜ
The Canadian black bears need your help! PETA are calling on you to join our protest against the use of real bear fur for the British Palace Guards hats!
When: Wednesday September 17th at 12 noon
Where: The British Embassy in Athens
We need compassionate people that will help us save the black bears by being involved in this exciting demonstration. Each person will have a British flag tattooed on their bottom and be wearing a fake bearskin hat. We will be holding a banner which reads ‘Bare Skin not Bear Skin. Guards: Go Fur Free!’ and the Greek equivalent. You will need to be available from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. (Don’t worry – you will only be baring your skin for thirty minutes of that time!). If you feel too shy to be IN the demonstration we still need activists to take photos, hand out leaflets and someone to help with the translations of the news release – if you have time for this please do let me know!
Right now, somewhere in Canada, black bears are being hunted down and killed for “sport.” Many of them will be shot several times before they die. Some will escape the hunters and slowly die from blood loss, gangrene, infection, starvation or dehydration. Mothers who are killed will leave orphaned cubs behind to starve. The British Ministry of Defense contributes to this horror by commissioning an average of 150 bearskin caps a year to be made for the Queen’s five guard regiments. Sadly, each cap can take the skin of one entire bear.
Despite such overwhelming evidence of the cruelty involved in every single hat of the Queen's Guards – it takes one black bear to make just one hat – the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has dragged its feet in working with PETA to find an alternative to real bear fur – despite having been presented with numerous, luxurious faux-fur alternatives.
We really need your help to increase international pressure on Britain to stop killing bears for guard’s hats.
Please contact me, Lauren at LaurenB@peta.org.uk if you are able to help!
Thank you for your compassion! I look forward to hearing from you!
Kindest regards,
Campaigner Coordinator
PETA Europe Ltd.