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time to say VASILIS I LOVE YOU!

Ξεκίνησε από flower732, Νοεμβρίου 25, 2004, 09:39:21 ΜΜ

« προηγούμενο - επόμενο »


Last night I had a fantasy-
A fantasy of me and you.
It seemed so incredibly real,
I almost thought it was true.

We were walking along the ocean shore,
And the wind blew against my face.
Slowly you put your arms around me,
Next, I was wrapped in your embrace.

I turned around and looked at you,
My soul got lost in your eyes.
We just stood there by the ocean
Underneath the velvet sky.

You led me to a dock
And there we sat.
We talked and talked,
And giggled and laughed.

Then you just stared at me,
And whispered in my ear.
"I love you..." was that it?

It's something I've longed to hear.

The world felt like it had stopped moving,
And we were all by ourselves.
But suddenly I got dizzy all over
Just as the clock struck twelve.

My body shivered,
And I felt nothing but afraid and fright.
Where am I...? I wondered-
All alone in my room at night.
I wish those moments would go on,
Or maybe even become a part of reality.
Yet, I know that will never happen,
'Cause it is all just a fantasy.

237 Επισκέπτες, 1 Χρήστης