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Τύπος - ΜΜΕ για ΚΑΛΛΑΣΑ και Λερούνη

Ξεκίνησε από KostasD33, Σεπτεμβρίου 26, 2009, 02:03:33 ΠΜ

« προηγούμενο - επόμενο »

larus audouinii

"Κάθε μια υπογραφή εχει μεγάλη αξία"

 We Chitralis; a different people  -letter

As we sit idle in the hostel, grounded due to security threat all over the capital city, I am being reminded

terribly of my peaceful sleepy city back home. Chitral is a strange city, where a death somewhere would be discussed for months. The people over there are interlinked, the family system is tightly knitted, every one is free from ideas like suicide bombing, blasts explosions etc. People of different sects and styles are living in harmony and even the police is efficient enough. Our social services sector is as strong as any in the country. Our people still retain a glint of honesty. Our mothers don't frown on the arrival of guests. We still are generous with our smiles.

Lets unite. Lets not let another activist be kidnapped. Lets remain what we are, because that is what makes us 'Different'

Bakhtawar Salik
NUST, Islamabad.

25 Oct 09.

larus audouinii

A 3rd delegation will leave soon for Nuristan province of Afghanistan to negotiate the release of Mr. Athanasios Lerounis.
Kal'as'um (the Kalasha community/people)

Με τις ευχές όλων


361 Επισκέπτες, 0 Χρήστες