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how i do

Ξεκίνησε από cuba, Μάρτιος 17, 2005, 03:10:08 ΜΜ

« προηγούμενο - επόμενο »


How do I swear in Turkish ?

Siktir lan              - get fucked

Anani sikerim           - i'll fuck your mum

got veren               - ass giver

ibne                    - faggot

um                      - cunt

chukumu yala            - suck my dick

Yav shak                - gay

Oross puh               - bitch

Pushtt                  - pimp

gellbourria salak       - come over here wimp


chukumu yala ??? XAXAxaxAxAxAXAXAxAXAXAXaXaXaXaXaXaXA! ti htan na to dw ki auto!! ante twra na me mazepsete !! ola ta lefta !! fantasou kai to ufos pou akolou8ei tin sugkekrimenh ekfrash !! xaxaxaxaxax ! akoma pio tragiko !  :lol:  :lol:


How do I swear in Surinam ?

Yu ma pangpang                     your mothers cunt
yu kao'lo                           your ass
krasi                                     horny
tongo                                    french kiss
boeler                             gay
boelen                             fuckin' in the ass
tolli                                        dick
poeni                                     cunt
ie de wang viestie dagoe    you're a vilty dog
ma piema motjo               you dirty whore
bos mie baanaa                 kiss my dick
soigie mie baanaa               suck my dick
Sako webo                          ball sack


How do I swear in Serbian ?

Jebem ti mater u picku! - I fuck your mother in her pussy!

Bog te jebo!            - May God fuck you!

Jebo ti pas mater!      - May a dog fuck your mother!

Crko dabogda stoko seljacka!  - May you drop dead,you redneck ox

Popusis mi kurac krasni! - Suck my lovely dick!

Peecko smrdlyeeva       - You smelly pussy.

Govno yedno             - You piece of shit.

Peechka                 - pussy.

Sranje!                 - ohhh, shit!

Some!                   - you stupid ass.

Yebachu te!             - I'll fuck you.

Jebem ti sunce          - I fuck your sunshine.

Jebo te Sveti Ilija.    - The saint Ilija fucks you.

Jebo te Papa.           - The Pope fucks you.

Govedo!                 - Jerk.

Sisadzijo.              - Cock sucker.

Jebem te usta.          - I am fuckung you in the mouth.

Jebem te u oko.         - I am fucking you in the eye.

Jebo ti konj trudnu sestru na majcinom grobu dok ti otac retardiran gleda iz invalidskihkolica.
A horse fucks your pregnant sister on your moms grave as your retarded dad is watching from he’s wheelchair.

Jebo te slon krvavim kurcem
An elephant fucks you with a bloody dick.


mia poy zoume se mia polie8nikh koinonia eykairia einai na ma8oyme na brizoyme se jenh glossa. alla kai na katalabenoyme an mas brizoyn h oxi!!!!


glwssopanhguri ! xaxax! den kserw paidia pantws egw an den akolou8hsw to ellhniko to download den efxaristiemai vrisimo !


lllooolll swsth poisonaki! allh xarh exei h mhtrikh h glwssa! ta les kai fxaristiesai!  :twisted:

alla emena pali, autoi oi serboi mou ekanan entupwsh...:

Bog te jebo! - May God fuck you!
Jebo te Sveti Ilija. - The saint Ilija fucks you.
Jebo te Papa. - The Pope fucks you.

kai emeis katebazoume 'xristopanagies', alla oxi ki etsi!  :roll:

Kai to fobero:
Jebem ti sunce - I fuck your sunshine.
Your sunshine!!?? giati kale ta balan me ton hlio!?  :roll:


How do I swear in Norwegian ?

Helvete                 - Hell

Pule                    - Fuck

Faen                    - Damn

Dritt                   - Shit

drittsekk               - shitbag

Fitte                   - Cunt

fleskepanne             - meathead

pikk                    - dick

hore                    - slut

din faens rompeslikker  - you damn asslicker

din mor suger pikk i helvete        - your mother sucks cock in hell

dra meg hardt i rompehara / knull meg hardt og fort - fuck me hard and fast

Jævel                   = bastard

knulle                  = to fuck quickly

pøke                    = to fuck in the ass

pule                    = fuck slowly

kølle                   = dick

morrapuler              = motherfucker

skinkerytter            = ass-rider (i.e. homo)

soper                   = homo

svarte                  = damn

søren                   = damn

dra meg baklengs inn i fuglekassa = pull me backwards into the  bird cage (i.e. "are you kidding?")

kødd                    = dick

kukk                    = cock

penisfuteral            = cunt

rævv                    = ass

rompe                   = ass

rass                    = ass

pul meg i rassen        = fuck me in the ass

føkk deg                = fuck you

dæven                   = damn

dægger'n                = damn

runknisse               = wanking gnome

ta å dræg dæ            = go masturbate

snabel                  = dick

snurrebass              = dick

mus                     = mouse (i.e. vagina)

støgging                = someone extremely ugly

lesbe                   = lesbian

stikk og heng deg       = go hang yourself

pell deg                = go away (and scratch your ass)

dra laksen              = pull the salmon (i.e. jack off)

leke med bevern         = to play with the bever  (i.e. jack off)

kjerring                = bitch

fjert                   = quick fart

fis                     = long soundless &  smelly, fart

promp                   = a thick fart

rape                    = to burb

kukkost                 = dick cheese

din bæsj                = you are a shit

din teiting             = you are stupid

dumming                 = someone who is stupid

Sug kuken til faren din = Go suck your dad's cock

Jeg spretta søstra di mens den tilbakestående  faren din sto bak og fumlet med ballene mine. = I stretched your sisters ass  while your retarded dad stood behind me and fumbled my balls

Morra di svetter lite til å være så feit = Your mom doesn't really sweat
                          much for being so fat

Jævla Svenske           = Fucking Swede

Javisst, enda en norsk kuksuger, akkurat det vi trenger! = Great, another norwegian cocksucker, just what we needed


How do I swear in Latin ?

Stercum                 - Shit

Flocci non facio        - I don't give a damn

tua mater               - your mother

Dormi mecum             - sleep with me

Tu es stultior quam asinus - you are dumber than an ass

cunnus                  - cunt

irrumator               - bastard

leno                    - pimp

mentula                 - penis

meretrix                - prostitute

Orcae Ita!              - Hells Yeah!

spucatum tauri          - Bull shit

pudor tu                - fuck you


χα χα!!!   Cuba, σε βρισκω πληρως ενημερωμενο!!!



How do I swear in Italian ?

puttana                  - whore

fungula / scopa          - fuck

merda                    - shit

Vaffanculo               - go fuck yourself

No Skuche ala Gats!      - what the fuck do you  want from my balls?

pezzo di merda           - piece of shit
figlio di puttana        - son of a whore

Cazzo vai via stronzo    - Shit, get out of here jerk

bocchino                 - blow job

che cazzo                - you dick

scopa tua mamma          - fuck your mother

fotti tua madre          - fuck your mother

li mortacci tua          - to your dead relative

vai a morire ammazzato   - go and die murdered

no me interesso un cazzo - i don't give a damn


How do I swear in Icelandic ?

whore                    : hóra
slut                     : drusla
fuck off                 : farðu í rassgat
asshole                  : asni (or) fífl
motherfucker             : móðurserðill

The Devil himself        : Djöfullinn sjálfur
Satan                    : Satan
Damn                     : andskotinn
Hell                     : helvítis
Go fuck yourself         : Farðu í rassgat
Drop dead                : dettu niður dauður


How do I swear in Hebrew ?

Zona                    - whore

Zayin                   - cock

Harah                   - shit.

Mishugena               - freak

Hutzpa                  - balls (lot of nerve)

Beitsim                 - Balls

ben zonah               - son of a bitch

leh zaient ima shha     - go fuck your mom

zayin                   - penis

tahat                   - ass

mitromem mizdayen  batahat    - gay assfucker

zayin al hakuss  hamasrihah shel haima hamehoeret shelha -fuck your ugly mom's smelly cunt

lech lehizdayen         - fuck off

lech zayen para         - go fuck a cow

lakek et hatahat sheli  - lick my ass

lakeki li a hadagdegan,  zonah                - lick my clit you whore

benzona                 - son of a bitch

leh lehizdayen          - fuck you

lehi lehizdayen         - fuck you (to a girl)

sharmute, sharlila      - someone easy

manyak                  - just a cures

cus ima shha            - your mother's vagina

Ya Sharlila mizdayenet  -   you fucking slut

tamut ya holera         -   die scum

timtzotz leahotha       -   go blow your sister

tahnis li latahat       -   stick it up my ass

Tistom tapeh yanaal     -   shut up you idiot

lech tidhof vibrator    -   go stick a vibrator

teonen al tmuna shel kalba   - go masterbate on a dogs picture

nod                     -    fart

kof zien otha cshehaiita katan - monkey fucked you when you were child

achotch be geves - your sister in gypsum

alvey tamot be pigoa - i wish you to die in terorist act noshech kariot - Pillow biter ya cus sair - You hairy cunt Sharlila - Whore


How do I swear in French - Quebec ?

Christ de plote sale!  - Fuckin' dirty cunt!

Maudit fif             - Dumb Faggot

Suceux de balus!       - Cock sucker

Manjeux de graines     - said to a faggot that eats pricks

Va fourrer ta mère     - Motherfucker

Grosse christ de vache - Fat fucking cow

Va chier               - Go shit

Mange de la marde      - Eat Shit

p'tit christ           - Little bastard

Christ de chien sal    - Fuckin' dirty bastard

va te crosser          - Jerk off (go fuck yourself)

p'tite queue           - Small dick (bad for male!)

Fifi (tapette, homo, moumoune) - Faggot

Mangeux de marde       - (someone that he eats shit)

Grosse Bertha          - Fat Woman

Ti-cul Gros bucket     - Small ass big belly

Noune (plotte)         - Cunt

ni cul ni tête         - Brainless (unconscient person)

pisseux, chieux, t'es pas game - Chicken

vieux christ (vieux tabarnak) - Old Nasty (masculin)

vieille christ (vieille tabarnak) - Old Nasty (feminin)

va te faire défoncer   - Go get assfucked

Fou                    - Crazy

Stupide                - Stupid

Tata                   - Dumb

Mongole                - Brainless (mental handicap)

t'es malade mental!    - You're sick in the head

Maudite cruche         - Jar head (said to women)

tu sens le tabarnak!   - You puke (you smell shit...)

Fourre toé l'doigt dans l'cul - Stick your finger up your ass


How do I swear in Estonian ?

kuradi munn             - (Lit. devil's penis)

kuradi puts             - (Lit. devil's cunt)

kurat vo~tku            - fuck you

kurat, saatan           - devil

kusema/pissima (v)      - to piss

mine persse!            - (Lit. go into ass)

mine vittu              - fuck off

munn                    - penis

nussima,nikkuma (v)     - to fuck

piss/kusi               - piss

raisk                   - rotted

sitt                    - shit

sittuma (v)             - to shit

vitt/puts               - cunt

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